Friday, March 5, 2010


my heart sings of what used to be.
I cry for what those broken promises.
I dance in the rain to hide my tears.
I move so I don't have time to think.
I run to find myself.

All this time I've been looking for something that you can't find.
I was looking for myself.
It's about time to I learned that I can't find something I already have.
I lost myself while looking.
I've wasted 4 years looking. I've been everything from prep to goth to emo to just plain annoying!
I wish I could take the time back but I can't
all my mistakes have been made and noticed to late.
I've learned to live with myself
I've learned to except my punishment for my mistakes.

I've cried a thousand tears for somone.
I'm tired of getting hurt.
I'm tired of trying.
I want to give up.
I want to give in.
I promised myself onetime I wouldn't give in
a stupid promise
a promise made to be broken.
Why wont you love me?
Why wont you accept me?
Why do you hate me?
I know I a screw up.
I know I'll never be the perfect person but no one is.
I love you.
Why can't you see that?

I waited for you.
I searched for you.
I found you
then lost you.
I've seen you and thought myself foolish.
I hurt you
so you hurt me.
I cried
I died
I got back up and saw your face,
then hers in your arms
I ran away.
I hide my face.
I wondered why I even tried
I wondered how I could be so blind
I wondered how you could lie and just brush it off.
I miss you.
I loath you!
why wont you hold me?
Why wont you show me affection?
What did I do wrong?
I love you.
why can't you see?
I need you.
You are my life.
You are my soul
You give me meaning.


  1. I can not decide if meave or midnitelover are the better ones.

  2. i don't know you, I don't know how i got here but i think that you are bullshitting yourself korri. You wouldn't post it if you just found it! damn hoe think she can get away with saying i'm not this person and that oh no it's 'a friend'. no bitch wake up and smell the very over done coffee!!! it's called life! don't think you are completely unfeeling and stone hearted cuz ur not.

  3. wow people just can't stop raggin on my can they? I mean seriously...
