Monday, November 16, 2009

I want my life back

i have NO FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!!!!
what the hell?
I can't believe it!
all my life i've been a social butterfly and have had friends fight over me the week I moved!!!!!!!!!
Now I sit all day on my lazy ass in front of the computer!!!!!
Oh my god this is soooo fucking boring!!!!!!!!
I can quote just about every spongebob episode!
My best friend is the dictionary!
I talk to my cats for no reason!
I can't get a boyfriend that isn't a complete douche
I even quote comercials!
its not that I can't leave but I just have no where to go!
I can go anywhere as long as I bring my phone and tell my mom that I'm going for a walk or a bike ride. My frineds and I get our kicks when we go to walmart or winndixie!
I'm petheticaly pathetic!
I get my kicks from making people think I'm a lesbien.
what the hell is up with that?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

saturday mornings

when you wake up at five a.m. on a saturday,
you either stay in your room and do something to pass the time
or you get on the internet{assuming your computer isn't in your living room}
now if you live alone you have no problems
except you can't blare your music
now if you live with someone who isn't a morning person
well that's a completely diffrent story.
you can't make noise without getting yelled at
you can't read without getting picked on
you can't listen to music unless you have those new ipod/MPnumbers
you can't watch tv
what the hell
why do people make your life suck all the time?
I mean honestly if you were alone all the time at home
1} your could get up whenever you want
2}you can go to sleep as you please
3} you can eat whatever you want
4} you can eat wherever you want
5} you can do what ever you want
6}you can dress however you please
7} you can talk to yourself without others' judgement!